Cộng ĐồngChính Trị

Vân Lê rút tên tranh cử Giám Sát Viên quận hạt Santa Clara

Trong bức thư ngày 9 tháng 12 năm 2023, ứng cử viên Vân Lê đã gởi ra thông báo với gia đình, bạn bè, và cộng đồng rằng cô ta rút tên ra trong cuộc tranh cử vào chức Giám sát viên Quận Santa Clara, Quận 2.

Trong thư, cô ta đề cập đến hai yếu tố cho sự quyết định này. Cộng Đồng và Gia Đình.

Về Cộng Đồng, vì có 3 người Mỹ gốc Việt tranh cử cho chức vụ này (kể cả Vân Lê), cô cho rằng sẽ tốt hơn khi cô là người ủng hộ cho ứng cử viên nào phù hợp nhất.


Về gia đình, một thành viên trong gia đình cô đang trải qua trường hợp khẩn cấp về sức khỏe nên cô ta cân ưu tiên sức khỏe gia đình.

Đọc nguyên thư Tiếng Anh sau đây:

December 9, 2023

Dear Family, Friends, and Community:
After much personal reflection and discussions with my husband and family, have made the very hard decision to withdraw my candidacy in the race for Santa Clara County Supervisor, District 2.
My decision was guided by two principles:

  • For community – I want to see the first the Vietnamese American elected to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors who will have the cultural competency, empathy, and skillset to serve all communities including our most vulnerable Vietnamese Americans. Therefore, with three Vietnamese American candidates in this race, my standing as a longtime community advocate and elected leader is best served supporting the most qualified candidate for this office.
  • For family – throughout my life and everything I have done, my family has always come first. As some of you may now, a member of our family recently experienced a health-emergency and I need to prioritize the health and wellbeing of our whole family. There will be more campaigns for me in the future but right now my time belongs with my family.

I thank you in advance for your understanding of my decision. Over the years, I have proven to be resilient and uncompromising in my advocacy for our community. My journey in politics still has a long way to go and I will continue to hold our elected officials and leaders for promises to the residents that we serve not they serve that we need to change they serve need to change we serve. I will still be involved in the race as a constituent and supporter of the candidate who will do the best job.

I am forever grateful for your support, contributions, love, and care.
With deepest appreciation,

Van Le
Candidate for Board Sunervisor Santa Clara D2​


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